We want to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your order, you may return your unused merchandise within 30 days from the date of delivery. We offers no exchange before sending your item back to us, please make sure that all of the following conditions has been correctly satisfied.The item you wish to return:
1: must be not damaged;
2: must be returned completed of all of its parts and accessories;
3: must be shipped back to FOCOPOT within 30 days of the date of delivery.
4: must be sent in its original packaging;
If all of the above conditions are satisfied, you can contact us at to apply for a return and refund.
Please also note:
We are not responsible for the return shipping cost of the items.
Please make sure all return packages are sent with traceable, insured service.
We can’t take responsibility for items damaged or lost in the return transmit.
Refunds will be processed within approximately 2 business days of our receipt of returned items. Your refund will be credited back to the same payment method used to make the original purchase on our site.
If you paid by credit card,
Refund time will be depended on the credit or debit card company’s policies. Be aware that the refund date for the credit will coincide with the date of the original payment, therefore you will not be charged any interest fees.
If you paid by PayPal,
Refund will be credits to your PayPal account and will be visible immediately. The date of reimbursement to the credit card associate with your PayPal account depends on the company that issued the card.